Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties

Anti-Dumping and Countervailing Duties protect industries by preventing unfairly priced imports. Importers must check applicable duties to ensure compliance.

What is Anti-Dumping Duty?

Anti-Dumping Duty (ADD) is an import duty additional to normal customs duty that is applicable to imports across the UK and EU. It is used to protect the industry from being flooded with low-priced goods from the exporter market.

What is Countervailing Duty?

Countervailing Duty (CD)is applied to goods that benefit from government subsidies in their origin country.

Anti-Dumping Duty and UKIMS

Goods that are subject to a definitive or provisional anti-dumping duty cannot be declared ‘Not at Risk’ when moving into Northern Ireland either from Great Britain or Rest of World, even where traders are authorised for UKIMS. These goods will need to be moved ‘At Risk’ into Northern Ireland and will be subject to the EU applicable tariff.

How do I check if Anti-Dumping Duty or Countervailing Duty is applicable on goods?

Further Information


Article reviewed by the Trade Hub team: February 2025